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+44 (0) 113 468 8527
Elderly lady sitting with a nurse during a consultation.

Community and mental health services

Our range of digital healthcare products can help you quickly assess the needs of your communities and streamline your referral process to support integrated care.

We understand your challenges

We work closely with a range of community mental health teams and services, ranging from dietetics, speech and language therapy to neurodevelopmental pathway services. We understand the pressure inappropriate referrals place on your services, and the importance of capturing the right information to direct patients to the right care setting.

Digitise your assessments.

Capture the right information upfront to accurately assess your patients — enabling you to spend more time addressing their needs, and less time chasing missing information.

Digitally direct patients.

Using conditional logic, build a series of questions to triage patients and direct them to the most appropriate care setting with the right healthcare professional.

Streamline referrals in days.

Why wait and pay hefty costs for a complicated solution? We can digitise paper forms within days (not months).

Improve patient experience.

Our eforms are intuitive and easy to complete. Patients can complete a digital assessment on any device, from the comfort of their homes.

Save time for you and your patients.

Using conditional logic to build a series of questions to triage patients and direct them to the most appropriate care setting with the right healthcare professional.

Why choose low code?

Healthtech needn’t be complicated, expensive or time-consuming. All of our digital healthcare products are developed with business users in mind and can be used with little to no coding experience.

We provide visual and simple ways to build forms — helping you build applications from scratch that are interoperable and scalable.

Let our technology do the hard work for you, while you focus on innovation.

Learn about low-code
Aire Frame 3D icon
Forms 4 health 3D icon
Aire Flow 3D icon
OnAire 3D icon
Aire Glu 3D icon
Aire Insights 3D icon
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Low Code | High Impact

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