A day in the life of a Strategic Accounts Lead at Aire Logic

We interviewed Tracey to see what a normal working day involves as a Strategic Accounts Lead in our Commercial team.

How do you get ready to start your day?

I get ready to start my day, the day before or sometimes a few days before. I look at my diary and at my actions that need completing and any travel that may be coming up. For any meetings I confirm with internal/external stakeholders/clients that the meetings are still going ahead be it virtually or face to face. I think about the 'best outcome' that I want from those meeting sand refine it on my morning dog walk or if I am tending to my horses that get me up very early every day.

What is a typical working day like?

As I cover a few areas at Aire Logic including AccountManagement, New Business, Commercial work and helping out on tenders, I do tend to have internal meetings to attend. Outside of any meetings I have, I strive to make sure that our customers are thrilled with us, that means doing what I say I will and earning their trust. This in turn helps to have those strategic meetings where we can identify new opportunities and generate references for future new customers. At the end of the day I write up notes and tidy up any admin jobs that need to be done and start to think about the next day.

What are you most looking forward to getting involved with?

I love customer engagement the most. Customers energise me and teach me more about Aire Logic and the market than any other source and I love getting involved with our customers and getting to build those important relationships.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

The most challenging part of my job is identifying that common interest with our partners and our customers. Learning as quickly as possible what's important to them and how Aire Logic fits into that vision.

How do you like to unwind after work?

I like to unwind by going out and looking after my 3 horses, riding across the fields with my dogs in tow. I find you really have to be present and that forces a relaxed evening. Sometimes a glass of wine also helps.

Jul 27, 2023