An insight into work experience at Aire Logic

Find out from Arla the support she received and the insights she gained from her time during work experience at Aire Logic.

Getting stuck in

During my week at Aire logic, I completed a project that was structured in the same way real projects would be at a company. This gave an insightful view into what to expect from the world of work which is a valuable lesson that many people do not receive from their school alone. The project also allowed me to choose the subject, creating a sense of purpose for the work I was doing.

We also completed small sessions on specific skills such asCV writing which gave me confidence for the future and allowed me to understand what employers may look for in a potential employee.

At the end of the week, I was given the opportunity present my accomplishments in front of the team who helped me. At the start of the week, I had been nervous but Aire Logic's constant support had given me to confidence to demonstrate my work.

Thoughts and takeaways

My favourite part of the week was when we took a short break from our project and sat down to talk to a wide range of people from many different roles throughout the company. This helped me understand the different roles involved in delivering a product to a client and the many different pathways that can lead to careers in that sector.

Aire Logic was a welcoming company that supported me through any challenges I faced. The team I worked with were incredibly helpful and eager to teach me as much as they could. Aire Logic continually displayed how much they care about improving technology for the good of the community which was an incredibly powerful message that I implemented into the decisions I made around my project.

Jul 19, 2024